As we approach the 50th Anniversary of the UAE, we pledge US$1 million in free advertising and marketing support to assist 20 UAE-SMEs.

Yes, that’s US$1 million

We are celebrating the UAE’s success by helping others achieve their business goals. This support is unconditional - it is not linked to any form of equity or future business commitment.

Times are tough and as the world grapples with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, we at Motivate Media Group understand the challenges that this poses for small and medium enterprises. As the region’s leading content producer, we want to help and support SMEs during what we are calling the revival period.

If you’re a homegrown UAE company, you can apply today for US$50,000 in free cross-platform support, together with advice on how to deliver an engaging, multi-media marketing campaign.


A home-grown UAE company founded prior to January, 2020.
Between 10 and 200 full time employees.
Need to be prepared to create and supply print and digital collateral.
Participating companies must agree to be featured editorially in the form of case studies.
Must be VAT registered and pay the VAT on the campaign – which is a claimable expense.


Motivate Media Group will offer a campaign value up to US$50k.
Businesses will have the opportunity to use both print and digital platforms.
Motivate Media Group will provide appropriate editorial support and guidance.


The campaigns will be delivered across:


Stage 1
SMEs register
on the landing page
From 1st July
Stage 2
Gulf Business team review
all applications
28th August
Stage 3
Shortlist is sent to an
expert panel of judges
31st August
Stage 4
The Panel evaluates
shortlist and results announced
By 30th September


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